In a modern mathematical language:
The problem solved by a pulverizer"without remainder" is the following:
what is the integer x that, multiplied by a ,increased or decreased by c and divided by b, produces an integer y?
In other words the problem consists of finding two integers(x,y)that verify
where a,b and c are known positive integers,x is called the pulverizer or the multiplier(gunaka),y the quotient(labdha).
If we consider the problem solved by a pulverizer with remainder: R1 >R2 , and R1 -R2=c, then
what is called "the divisor of the greater remainder"(a) in the pulverizer with remainder process is called in the pulverizer without remainder"the divisor of the smaller remainder" in the procedure of the pulverizer with remainder is called here "the divisor";and what is called the"difference of remainders"(R1-R2)is called"the interior of a number".
As we will see, the pulverizer with remainder transforms the problem it solves into a pulverizer without remainder problem. Both procedures, therefore, share common steps, however the two problems and their two procedures are separated in Bhaskara's commentary.
we will now describe the process followed for a pulverizer without remainder.
The pulverizer